Salutation to All the Beautiful Minds in Bulgaria and the Rest of the World

Vladimir Balanov, © Kiril Konstantinov

From Vladimir Balanov, Principal of New Atlantis

June 11, 2015

In conjunction with the creation of a new sovereign country, located on the island of YJNI, that is a constitutional monarchy and principality, called New Atlantis.

Dear Friends,

As you know, about a year ago I proposed to the Bulgarian government for the YJNI island to become a part of Bulgaria’s territory. Since I did not receive any answer, I sent a letter to the European Commission (Mr. Schultz, Mr. Rompuy, Mr. Juncker, Mr. Timmermans, Mrs. Kristalina Georgieva) in which I offered them the island, so that they can select a company to manage the exploitation and the governing of the economic zone surrounding it. Up to this moment, I do not have an answer from the EC, either.

I assume that the Bulgarian government and the European Commission have not responded yet, since the joining of a new territory to a certain country means changing its constitution, and in the case of Bulgaria, this requires the summoning of the Great National Assembly. This presents an additional obstacle for the politicians and it is probably why they have not replied.

In the meantime, on April 17, 2015 news came out about a Cheque named Vit Jedlicka who took advantage of a glitch in the territory distribution following the fall of Yugoslavia. He has founded the country of Liberlandia on 7 square kilometers of no-man’s land that was left unclaimed by all the newly formed Balkan countries.

Since nobody responded to both my proposals, I decided to follow Jedlicka’s example. Hence, on May 22, 2015 the de facto registration of the new sovereign country was completed, giving birth to a constitutional monarchy named New Atlantis.  

I would first like to clarify what the country really is. It is a political and economical union of a group of citizens who have their own government and are exercising sovereignty upon a territory and its adjacent territorial waters and airspace.

In order for a country to be created, it needs to have a free territory, in this case, the island of YJNI; a group of citizens to execute the foundation of this country, which was done by the constitution signing on May 22, 2015. The third prerequisite is to have a government, which we have already prepared. And the fourth prerequisite is that in accordance with the international regulations, it is also necessary to have recognition by another country or government and to establish mutual diplomatic relations with it. According to the above-mentioned international regulations for founding a country, we have met all the requirements. I would also like to point out, that in accordance with the international law, the recognition of a country and a government is an act that can only be performed by countries and governments. By default this means a willingness to establish diplomatic relations, which we already have with several countries.

In accordance with the international law, the UN was created to preserve peace and understanding between the nations and to guarantee international stability. It does not have the necessary jurisdiction to determine whether a certain formation is a country or not, for, the UN is not a country or a government itself, and therefore cannot legally recognize a country or a government. The reason why I am mentioning this is because some people think that we need to be recognized by the UN, and becoming a member is simply a voluntary act.

I would like to point out that the main goals for creating the country are the following:

1. By using international laws and regulations to create an economic formation of 12 miles of territorial waters and 200 miles of exclusive economic zone, the economic potential of which can be utilized by all the citizens of the country.

2. Creation and maintenance of the social network IQ140, the network of smart people. Apart from being a monetization tool for its members, the idea is to transform it into a phenomenal social outlet where society can vent all the negative energy gathered throughout the economic crisis, as opposed to taking it to the battlefields like in the First and Second World War that ended similar crises, but also caused many casualties and destruction.

My family initiated the country in order to avoid possible complications. There is always a chance for someone outside of my family that has signed the constitution to later claim that his signature is not legitimate and to dispute the creation of the country by taking the matter to an international court, where the trial could take years and would prevent the advancement of the new country.

We have accepted a constitutional monarchy as a form of governance, similar to 40 other countries like Liechtenstein, Monaco, Andorra, Great Britain, Japan, for, I believe this is the optimal model for founding a country and for its initial development.

By choosing against a foundation as a republic with let’s say, 50 citizens we are avoiding an unfortunate Balkan-like scenario where “unknown” entrepreneurs organize twice as many citizens at the following elections, take over the republic and corrupt the project.

As you can probably guess from the name of our country, New Atlantis, the idea is to attract as its citizens and most importantly, as governors, the most intelligent people in the world, whom we believe to be the descendants from the sunken continent of Atlantis.

According to our Constitution, all founders, Nobel laureates, “Mensa International” members and the people that have participated in the foundation of the country are by default citizens of New Atlantis.
Apart from them, all people on the planet that are students and/or have a high-school diploma and are not convicted can become citizens of the country. Note: Provided that any of these citizens successfully takes the “Mensa” test, they will automatically join the above-mentioned privileged group.

As I already brought up, the goal is for the economic potential resulting from transforming the island into a country, amounting to 100 trillion dollars according to some of the scientists, to be governed by the smartest people and citizens in the best interest of everyone in the country. Hence, we, the founders with the help of our friends have created a sustainable economic mode, which can be further developed by all citizens of the new country.

Here is our vision how every new citizen of New Atlantis can benefit economically from his citizenship:

First option: We all know that in the digital era most of Earth’s population is spending several hours a day in front of a computer. We want to find a way to channel this time into actual economic gain for every citizen. This is why we have created a social network, called IQ140.

Every citizen has to join the social network and will automatically receive around 500 principal dollars upon registering, electronic money similar to bitcoin issued by the Central Bank of the Principality. Every “Mensa International” member or Nobel laureate is entitled to 3 times as much, around 1500 principal dollars.

The idea is for this network to grow and develop as the country does and to eventually reach a number close to that of all Facebook users.

On one hand, we will have maybe the second biggest virtual country in the world, and on the other hand, a substantial internet traffic in our network leading to an increase in profit from advertising. Obviously, the profit will be directly related to the level of engagement from the users.

IQ140 will be the property of all its members, the citizens of New Atlantis. As opposed to other social networks where the shareholders are financial institution while most members have no shares or economic gain, the profit from IQ140 will turn into shares for the citizens.

Second option: We will give the citizens and members a chance to have an economic gain in the “social network of smart people” by receiving the above-mentioned 500 bitcoin-type electronic vouchers.

The idea is to organize an internal payment method between the members for their own needs. Having in mind that this would be the “social network of smart people”, we are expecting the trust in this payment method to grow rapidly for the first few years, so that it can become another major source of income for the citizens of the country.

Bitcoin is an excellent example of such a process. When it was created 5-6 years ago, it used to cost 0.80 USD. Due to the increased trust as an international payment method, at some point it began trading on the international markets, which raised its price up to 800 USD for 1 bitcoin. Currently, 1 bitcoin costs about 250 USD.

Let’s imagine that we, the citizens of the new country, are working to contribute for our network’s recognition and trustworthiness worldwide. This would also lead to the validation of the payment methods that we are using internally. If we assume that our currency reaches a ratio of merely 50 USD for 1 principal dollar, every citizen and member, initially given 500 principal dollar, can accumulate in the next 4-5 years the equivalent of 25 000 USD. It is hypothetical, but also probable. It all comes down to the work and efforts of all members of the network, because each of them will be motivated to be a shareholder and to receive dividends.

Third option: We can create a joint-stock company which every citizen of New Atlantis can buy shares from in exchange for a smaller or larger amount, depending on his financial status. The amount collected with those shares will be country’s starting capital and the foundation for the development of the social network and the economic zone.

This company will also own the social network and will be governed in everyone’s best interest. The country will authorize it to govern and exploit the natural resources in the economic zone, the territorial waters of New Atlantis. The yearly revenue for each citizen will be determined by the effectiveness of the managers that we will hire together with the citizens.

Fourth option: Together with specialists from “Mensa” our economists have developed a model for how the citizens of New Atlantis can make money. The method itself is innovative, but it can only be realized with the help of the EU, for it is related to its current situation. We believe that this method can help the EU solve the challenge of deflation and to become a driving force in rebooting the Old Continent’s economy.

Nobody can deny, that Europe is currently in a unique situation. I mean that more than 50 years after the creation of the EU and 16 years after the establishment of a unified currency, the EU is in such an extreme state that the European Central Bank is forced to apply the mechanism of “quantitative easing”, the printing of money and emitting them into circulation in order to reboot the economy.

During one of its official meeting in January 2015, the ECB decided to print and emit into circulation around 1,2 trillion Euro to be injected into the EU economy in the following 18 months. Most of you probably know that Germany was against this operation, because it has an economy that is perfectly organized and works impeccably. The German government and all Germans spend as much as they have earned, as opposed to some east- and south-east countries that spend more than they have earned, creating a deficit.

Germany began an official trial in the European Court against the ECB’s intention to apply the above-mentioned method of quantitative easing, claiming that this is an unregulated government aid that many countries from the EU will receive. But the European Court ruled that this is not government aid and allowed the ECB to print money and emit them into circulation.

This was apparently not only a moral strike to the German government, but also a material one due to the depreciation of the assets of the German companies. The operation of printing money and emitting them into circulation started in the beginning of March 2015 with the first tranche of 60 billion Euro. At the end of March, most EU economists determined that there is a glitch in the system, the money was all going for covering previous debts to banks, government social debts, payments on EU debts; very little was used for the actual reviving of the economy.

The ECB grew worried by this and immediately, its head, Mario Draghi announced to the Italian deputies that the ECB has done everything possible and that this operation will only prolong the vicious circle. In order to reboot the economy, structural changes were needed that were up to the respective governments. With this statement, the Head of the ECB transferred the responsibility to the prime ministers of the governments for not being able to implement a structural reform.

The ECB has the right to be worried mostly because the reviving of the economy would require more than 1,2 trillion Euro. American and English economists that have previously performed similar operations in the US and Britain have estimated that 4 more trillion Euro would need to be injected into the EU economy.

It is pretty clear that the ECB and the European politicians don’t have a solution for those 4 trillion Euro. Mario Draghi’s statement following the initial injection of 60 billion euro from the total amount of 1,2 trillion Euro shows that the ECB is not even sure how effective their own printing and emitting endeavor will be. So, they are worried for any additional financial injection that the EU might need.

And this is where our economists, together with those of “Mensa” proposed a solution for those additional 4 trillion that the ECB needs to inject. Namely, the newly created country of New Atlantis that is the only European country without any debt and has a free economic potential of 100 trillion Euro, can create a joint-stock company with a minimal capital of 3000 Euro and with 30 participants; the 28 countries members of the EU, New Atlantis, the EU itself, that would all receive 3,3 % of this company.

As the most flexible one in terms of decision-making, New Atlantis has agreed to contribute part of its economic zone to this company. In this case, following an international audit, by let’s say KPMG, it will be determined that the value of the contribution is 30 trillion Euro, which can also be the respective appraisal of the shares. Or in other words, every European country will own shares worth around 1 trillion dollars.

According to the ECB’s decision on quantitative easing, it can also buy securities, which are basically the above-mentioned shares. The idea is for the ECB to evenly buy out from all shareholders the equivalent of 4 trillion Euro. Namely, the amount necessary to be printed and emitted into circulation to revive the EU economy. This way, the ECB will become the 31st shareholder.

Our economists are proposing for about 1 trillion of this money to be available to the 30 shareholders, and for the remaining three to be divided into two EU funds. The first fund would administer 1.5 trillion Euro that would be used in infrastructural projects similar to the Jean-Claude Juncker plan. Thus, new workplaces will be created, the economy will turn around, million of employees would receive their salaries regularly, would pay their credit debts, would shop in the stores, etc.

The remaining 1.5 trillion would be used to create another fund for printing out and giving out each one of the 500 million citizens of the EU 3000 vouchers equal to 3000 Euro that can only be used for buying goods or services made in the EU.

The joint-stock company owned by New Atlantis would not receive 3.3 % like all the other shareholders. Bearing in mind that we are the only ones who are investing real capital in the form of a contribution, we would be entitled to 4.3 % of the company’s capital so that we can secure the operation.

We would offer to the ECB to buy out our 1 % share for 180 billion Euro. New Atlantis would use these resources to build 3 research centers; campuses that would be equipped with all necessary institutes and laboratories for top-level scientific work. We intend to invite the smartest people in the world to these campuses, where they can live, work, develop their ideas and turn them into reality for the sake of all of us.

We plan to invest 60 billion Euro in Bulgaria, the city of Svishtov, traditional university center and birthplace of New Atlantis’ founders; Greece, the city of Thessaloniki, traditional university center located by the sea; Germany, one of the small Alpine towns with a tradition in science.

In this way, the world’s smartest people, the “grey matter” of the world would come to live and work in Europe. Their accomplishments in science and practice would contribute not only for the prosperity of New Atlantis’ citizens, but also for the development of the EU, for, their accomplishments will be accessible to all European countries to.


Dear Friends,

New Atlantis is a country the main goal of which is to support and protect the economic prosperity of its citizens. Having in mind that they are scattered all over the territory of our planet, the newly formed country of New Atlantis will apply and become a member of all economic unions, including the EU, so that it can protect the economic interests of its citizens.

I am taking the opportunity to ask a group of countries already members of the EU, to take over our representation and to assist us with their experience when applying for membership. In particular, we are addressing Germany, Bulgaria and Greece, because:

a) to us, Germany is the country epitome of organization and economic prosperity that we would strive for;

b) Bulgaria is the country where the founders were born and where they grew up. The legislation of the new country, in accordance with the Constitution, is the same as the legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria, which is in turn coordinated with that of the EU. We believe that this would facilitate Bulgaria’s government when assisting us to apply in the EU;

c) Greece, out of respect for the Greek government that was the first to grasp the essence of our project with the YJNI and offered their lawyers to consult us when exploiting the island, its territorial waters and the economic zone around it. It is pretty clear that being an island country, Greece has enough experts knowledged about managing island territorial waters.

Dear Friends,

I am taking the opportunity to invite all of you who meet the criteria for a New Atlantis citizenship and that accept our ideas, to start signing up for citizenship in the respective website, so that every one of you, depending on your capabilities and willingness to do so, can contribute to the building and functioning of New Atlantis.

We are open to any new ideas and endeavors among which we can chose together with you, so that the best ones can be implemented in the economy of the new country for the well-being and common interest of all its citizens.

Apart from that, I am addressing all IT specialists, especially in Bulgaria, to contact us and to help us in the building and maintenance of the country’s IT system. I am also addressing and asking for cooperation on the part of all B Team members, the group of world business leaders, whose goal is not only making private profit, but also working on improving the wellbeing of people and preserving our planet.

As far as I know, they have been working for a long time on the creation of a new government model of a modern country, entirely operated by software, supported by thousands of independent servers. I have information that together with Richard Branson, members of this group are visionaries like Bill Gates, Reid Hoffman (the creator of LinkedIn), Marc Andreessen (Member of the Board of Directors of Facebook) and many more, that have already supported the development of a software model for governing the modern country and building up on its business.

We are announcing to the above-mentioned gentlemen that we have the basis, the legal platform, the newly formed county of New Atlantis, on which together with them, we can install and apply this new model with joint efforts.

Finally, I am addressing the journalists from all over the world to whom I hold the deepest of respect, not only because they are potential citizens of the country based on their noble occupation and natural qualities, but also because I know that they are society’s engines in difficult times. In situations like a world economic crisis, I think that we need to come up with unorthodox solutions and there are already a few of them. I believe that our project New Atlantis will such a solution and journalists can help for its development.

I am inviting all journalists to become our ambassadors worldwide, so that our ideas can reach people like the B Team, Mrs. Merkel, Mr. Juncker, the prime ministers of Bulgaria, Greece and most importantly, the smart people of the world.

As I already mentioned, I believe that there is a solution to this extremely complex situation, in which we live in, we simply need to use our collective mind. With the help of today’s biggest phenomenon, the social networks and our own, the social network of smart people,, together we can open the valve of the negative energy accumulated by humanity, so that it can pour into the virtual space, as opposed to the battlefields, leading to the destruction that we witnessed during the First and Second World War.

Vladimir Balanov, Principal of the New Atlantis Principality

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